Using TidalCycles and Hydra, +777000 and nunez collaborate to create club-focused algorave performances driven by the fun, the weird, the naive, and the familiar.
Catherine Mason
Catherine Mason is an independent art historian and writer who has been focused on recovering the history of computer and digital art since 2002.
collapse creates live-coded music using Tidal Cycles and Ableton, inspired by IDM, dancehall, reggaeton and baile funk.
Connor Turansky
Connor Turansky is an Essex-based visual artist and educator who creates interactive experiences, builds worlds, and designs mechanical contraptions.
Daisy Chiu
Daisy Chiu is an artist who is fascinated by the intersection of time, technology, and human perception, and whose work is shaped by her personal experiences with the relentless passage of time.
Daniela Tenenbaum
Daniela Tenenbaum is an Amsterdam-based researcher and curator. She is currently a curator and programme coordinator at IMPAKT [Centre for Media Culture].
Dhruv Kumar
With roots in architecture, Dhruv's journey into the realm of interactive technologies was an unexpected yet thrilling transition. What began as mere tinkering rapidly evolved into an undying passion and, subsequently, a full-fledged career.
Emma Crabtree
Emma Crabtree is a London-based artist and illustrator focussing on book design and publishing as creative practice. Alongside personal work she edits and designs a DIY magazine, AYFP, which publishes research-led writing about textiles and craft. She is a keen knitter and crafter and has also worked with quilting and natural dyes.
Erin Robinson
Erin Robinson is a computational artist based in London whose work primarily involves the design of automated and interactive visual systems.
Estela Oliva
Estela Oliva is a director, artist, and creative producer specialising in film and immersive art. Her work is inspired by the power of emerging technologies and the internet to influence human identity, behaviour and our surroundings.
Federica Ciotti
Federica is a London-based artist with extensive experience in graphic recording and facilitation. She combines writing and drawing to create visual narratives exploring interconnected realities, identities and environments.
Freddie Hong
Freddie Hong is a London-based researcher and computational artist. His work delves into the impact of emerging technology on our relationships with the physical world and society.
Fromm Studio
Fromm are a 3D studio crafting worlds and experiences rooted in camp, kitsch and pop-culture. Founded by Vince Ibay and Jessica Miller in 2022, Fromm have created a signature style born out of a desire to utilise physical art in digital spaces, with an aesthetic inspired by their love of Staffordshire figures.
Geraint Edwards
Geraint is a Welsh artist based in Sheffield, UK, working in various media (video, found objects, sculptural installation, painting & web-based art).
Graham Dunning
Graham Dunning’s work explores sound as texture, timbre and something tactile, drawing on bedroom production, tinkering and recycling found objects. With the Mechanical Techno live setup, he uses a standard DJ turntable as a sequencer, sound source and ramshackle engine.
Heavy Lifting
Heavy Lifting is Lucy writing confused live code for fans of acid basslines and mischievous minor deities.
Ieva Vaiti
Ieva Vaiti is an artist and technologist based in London, UK. With a background in classical music and audio post-production, she uses sound to tell stories through installations, films, performances, and IoT.
Ivan Iovine
Ivan Iovine is an interaction designer, researcher, and artist based in Frankfurt am Main. His artistic and media practices extend across robotics, machine learning, biomimetics, and more-than-human practices.
James Gibbons-MacGregor
James is a professional audio-visual artist and educator based in Peckham. His work has been featured at Corsica Studios, The Science Museum and Bluedot Festival. He is also an associate lecturer at UAL’s Creative Computing Institute.
James Rutherford (jtruk)
James used to be a games programmer - learning mathematical fundamentals, memory mapping, and the discipline for managing magic within hardware constraints. Nowadays he's a server-side systems programmer during daylight hours, fuelling a creative itch for his alter ego, jtruk, a prolific contributor to the demoscene subculture.
Jan Shulz
I am Jan Christian Schulz, an interdisciplinary researcher and creative technologist who investigates the emergence of ecosystemic relationships through sense and sensor-media.
John Richards
John Richards explores Dirty Electronics focusing on shared experiences, social interaction and critical making. He is concerned with the performance of large-group electronic music and DIY electronics, and he has come to consider these activities as a holistic action.
Junghyun Kim & Sami Malla
Junghyun (Zoey) Kim,is a media artist based in South Korea and London, who creates immersive experiences using various mediums and technologies. Sami Malla is an observant Digital Designer, adept in creating moments of meaning through investigative explorations with emerging technologies.
Licia He
Shiqing (Licia) He is a generative artist and a human-computer interaction researcher dedicated to creating artistic expressions through technological innovations. With a Ph.D. in Information Science and a Bachelor of Science degree in Studio Art and Computer Science, Licia currently resides in London (United Kingdom) as a full-time artist, focusing on capturing and presenting information around her through visual art.
Lizzie Wilson
Lizzie Wilson is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher, whose interests include live computer music, musical pattern, epistemologies of artificial intelligence, techgnosis and human-machine co-collaboration. She is currently lecturing at The Creative Computing Institute at UAL and also completing a PhD.
Marta Ilacqua
Marta Ilacqua (b. 2000, Italy) is an interaction designer whose practice orients towards exploring and challenging audiences' perception and understanding of cultural phenomena.
MYNA is a northern based artist, heavilty influenced by music from the African diaspora and beyond, focussing on drum heavy, bass heavy music, with a flair for mixing this with afro-centric selections.
Nimrod Varni
Nimrod Vardi, Founder and Creative Director of arebyte, East London. arebyte (Est. 2013) is a non-for-profit space dedicated to the exploration of the intersection between art and everything that is digital.
Using TidalCycles and Hydra, +777000 and nunez collaborate to create club-focused algorave performances driven by the fun, the weird, the naive, and the familiar.
Paul Robert Lloyd
Paul is a web designer and developer with 20 years of experience gleaned from working at fledgling start-ups, boutique design agencies and large in-house design teams.
Rebekka Jochem
After haphazardly stumbling upon creative computing during a class to create generative 2D graphics, something in me clicked. Discovering this field where the technical, programming brain in me and my passion for design and artistic expression can come together was a real revelation and has shaped my creative practice ever since.
Sinem Görücü
Sinem Görücü is a designer, researcher, educator, community organiser, and the founding director of Feminist Design. Her work is situated at the intersections of tech, social justice, urbanism, design, data science, artificial intelligence, civic engagement, and feminism.
Sophie Nadel
Sophie Nadel is a web developer and creative technologist based in London. Her personal work is driven by combining the physical and digital world in order to break down accessibility barriers in tech. In her spare time she is a keen knitter and crocheter.
V Buckenham
V Buckenham is the creator of Downpour, an app that makes it easy to make little games on your phone. Before that, she was the creator of Cheap Bots Done Quick, a website that made it easy to make little Twitterbots on your computer.
Virginie Tan
Virginie Tan (b. 1992, Saint-Denis) is an artist and designer based in London, French born of Sino-Cambodian descent. She works across the virtual and the physical, blending elements of interactivity, video, sound and poetry.
Xiangyu Wang
Wang Xiangyu is a digital artist passionate about creating poetic or humorous digital art. His creations include interactive installations, video, and VR, focusing on themes such as the relationship between nature and humanity, and how emerging technologies may shape a dystopian future for humanity.
Yuanyuan Hu
Yuanyuan Hu is a new media artist and multimedia designer. Born in China, she graduated from the Digital Media Art of Shanghai Theatre Academy, and then studied Interaction Design at the University of the Arts London for her master's degree.
Ziwen Meng
Wendy/Ziwen Meng is a designer and engineer whose passion lies in nurturing mutual understanding among all living beings. By redefining the ways we interact with technology, her work illuminates the intricate connections between humans and the diverse species that share our world.