An Introductory Evening of Algorave

Multiple artists

📅 Saturday 4th February 2023
🕜 -
📍 Staffordshire Street
Free hardship tickets available on request

Peckham Digital presents an evening of Algorave! The event will host four live-coded music performances (aka Algorave) from some fantastic musicians, in a friendly and welcoming environment.

The Algorave community is an open and supportive community and this event is a great chance to experience live coded music in a relaxed setting, especially if you haven't been to any events like this before.

Performances start at 6.45pm and end by 10.30pm, at Staffordshire Street. Set times will be confirmed on the day, with performances between 30 - 45 minutes per artist and a short gap between sets for setup.

The running order will be:

  • CSV (commencing at 6.45pm)
  • Shelly Knotts
  • Alex McLean
  • Antonio Roberts

More about our artists:

Chris Speed Visuals (CSV)

Chris Speed Visuals (CSV) is an audiovisual artist and DJ working at the intersection of art and digital technology. Born and raised in London, CSV began solely as a 3D artist but his musical output gradually developed over the years. Studying MA Computational Arts at Goldsmiths University allowed him to develop as a practitioner and he now incorporates generative composition into his productions, making for boundary-pushing results.

His graphical aesthetic uses similar computational approaches to the music, consistent across artworks, music videos, live visuals and virtual environments. Equally at home creating immersive installations for gallery spaces as mixing rhythms on the dancefloor, CSV has performed at numerous venues across the UK and is a member of multiple artist collectives.

Chris also teaches part-time at the Point Blank Music School and the University of Greenwich.

Shelly Knotts

Shelly Knotts is an improvisor who performs with computers and other humans. Interests in code, data and networks have lead her down strange and diverse musical paths from electroacoustic composition, through jazz and noise music to algorave. She experiments with generative and AI techniques and opinionated algorithms to make music. She has performed at numerous Algoraves and other live coding events worldwide, solo and with collaborative projects including ALGOBABEZ. In 2017 she was a winner of BBC Radiophonic Workshop and PRSF ‘The Oram Awards’ for innovation in sound and music.

Alex McLean

Alex McLean has been exploring algorithmic patterns as a live coding musician since around the year 2000. He's active across the digital and software arts, including founding the TidalCycles and Strudel live coding systems, and co-founding the TOPLAP live coding and Algorave algorithmic dance music collectives, and the AlgoMech festival. He has performed widely including at Sonar, Transmediale, Glastonbury, Ars Electronica, and No Bounds festivals. He currently holds a four-year non-academic research fellowship, exploring algorithmic patterns as part of the non-profit open access lab Then Try This.

Antonio Roberts

Antonio Roberts is an artist and curator based in Birmingham, UK, working primarily with video, code, and sound. He is critically engaged with the themes surrounding network culture and in his practice explores how technology continues to shape ideas of creation, ownership, and authorship. As a performing visual artist and musician he utilises live coding techniques to demystify technology and reveal its design decisions, limitations, and creative potential.

His work has been featured at galleries and festivals including, Furtherfield, Tate Britain, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art in Chicago, Birmingham Open Media, Jerwood Arts, Whitney Museum of American Art, Green Man Festival, Barbican, Victoria and Albert Museum, Czurles Nelson Gallery, and New Art Exchange.

He is an Artist Advisor for Jerwood Arts and from 2014 - 2019 he was Curator at Vivid Projects where he produced the Black Hole Club artist development programme. In 2021 he co-founded the (Algo|Afro) Futures programme for early career Black artists to learn about live coding and creative coding.

As a live coder and performing artist he has performed at events and venues including SXSW, Barbican, Green Man Festival, Supersonic Festival, British Library, BlueDot Fetsival, Cafe Oto, ICLC, Corsica Studios and more.

Hosted by:
Multiple artists