Freddie Hong
Algorithms in Reflection

Algorithms in Reflection: is a smile-activated interactive mirror equipped with artificial intelligence. It uses facial recognition to respond to the audience’s expressions, revealing the reflection only when the audience exhibits happiness. The AI determines the genuineness of this happiness by studying the audience’s smile, and it displays a “confidence score”, a measure of the system’s certainty about the authenticity of the smile. The mirror interacts with the audience by rolling up and down a blind. In order to see their reflection, the audience needs to remain smiling; the moment they stop smiling, the blind rolls down. This creates an immediate and intense interaction between the audience and the AI system. The artwork reflects our times, where AI plays an increasingly significant role in our lives. It invites us to ponder on our emotions, authenticity, and the way we express happiness, even in the presence of non-living entities like AI. It raises questions about conformity and the human experience in the age of AI. This mirror serves as a reminder that as we interact and learn more about AI, we are, in essence, learning more about ourselves.

Artist bio

Freddie Hong is a London-based researcher and computational artist. His work delves into the impact of emerging technology on our relationships with the physical world and society. With a PhD in the advanced manufacturing of interactive devices, Freddie has critical insights into merging art and technology. Freddie is particularly interested in capturing current issues in digital technologies and creating compelling interactive artworks that encourage participants to experiment with “intelligent things,” fostering conversations about the role of digital agents in our lives. Freddie is currently in a fixed term researcher fellowship at Microsoft Research Cambridge, focusing on creative robotics and future technologies.